Monday, April 30, 2012


This ninja was having a hard time keeping up with two blogs. And now, it's all condensed into one.

This will have crafts, recipes, and personal blogs here and there. So, if you're a follower here, please be a follower over there.

I plan on keeping this and my food blog active, but..not active? I won't be posting there anymore, but I won't be deleting anything from them.

Friday, April 6, 2012


"Hey look! My mom's here!" 

Name that movie.

Okay, so being from the northeast (Pennsylvania, to be exact) really instills a lot of things into your mind.

1. Amish people are people, too. This means that, yes, they deserve their own special parking area for their horses and buggies.

2. Knobles is a place you will never be too old to enjoy.

3. Turkey Hill sells THE BEST TEA EVER. If I could get my hands on a couple gallons of orange tea right now, I'd be a happy girl. But it has to be the Turkey Hill kind. None of the others taste right.

4. Whoopie pies are good anytime, anywhere. And that's a fact, Jack. 

I haven't had these babies in SO long. Honestly, I'm more of a fan of the cookie part, but that's just me. I've tried many different recipes for these, but the best whoopie pies you'll get are from random small restaurants...if you want to call them that. 

Here's the most recent recipe I tried. I LOVED the cookie part. The innards could use some work, though.